Sunday 17 January 2016

Source Code Opening   OscarMartin                                                                                       

Scene one
Opens with a close up of the protagonist eyes closed appearing to be having a nightmare his facial expression confirms this; The Diegetic noises of what sounds like a helicopter and a women talking then concluded by an explosion which makes the protagonist wake up, all seem to be going on in his head; the setting appears to be in a train during the day the diegetic sound of the train explains this and the protagonist is wearing a suit as his costume.

Scene two
A sound bridge opens the next scene where a diegetic crescendo screech from the train wakes the protagonist up, match on action is used to change the camera angle from a close up to a medium close up showing the characters facial expression looking disorientated he then continues to look around, a cut turns into an over the shoulder shot where the protagonist is looking out the window still in confusion.
Another sound bridge of a women talking happens before a cut where we can see a medium shot of the women who was talking sitting in front of him.
A cut back to the protagonist (shot reverse shot) shows another confused facial expression, then multiple cuts occur showing that the character is on edge and isn’t sure what’s going on this include a medium shot of a man opening a can of coca cola, and a close up of someone spilling a drink onto the protagonists shoe then a medium close up of the protagonist reacting to the spilt coke followed by a low angle longshot with a slight leftwards pan of the women who spilt the coke.

Se7en Opening                                  Oscar Martin
Sevens opening has a few cut transitions but is all one scene, the first part opens with a slight low angle shot of an unknown character believed to be the protagonist laying in bed, the character is accompanied with some off screen dialogue which perhaps is occurring in the room next to the protagonist in that case makes it Diegetic sound; the setting is clearly a bedroom and by looking at the décor the film is set in the modern day.
The next cut is a slight low angle close up of the protagonist putting his glasses on the side the camera then tilts upwards towards a metronome which the protagonist activates forming a Diegetic ticking sound to accompany the Diegetic background muffled talking.
We then cut to an eye line long shot of the protagonist laying on his bed emotionless, the camera gradually zooms in forming a medium longshot whilst the protagonist facial expression still shows no emotion.
Suddenly a cut occurs showing the metronome, the muffled talking has now disappeared completely I believe this is because it's trying to show us that perhaps this metronome is of importance as once it cuts back to the protagonist again this time with a medium close up (still the camera is slightly zooming in) the muffled voices are being heard again but this time just the voices, perhaps this shows the voices are happening in his head which would still keep them Diegetic but none the less is a sign of insanity. For the final cut it shows the metronome again without the voices just the ticking before fading into black.

 Inception Opening                           Oscar Martin

scene one
At the start of the clip there is a very dramatic non-diegetic score being played which features lots of stings. The score helps build tension before they are introduced to the protagonist.
As the non-Diegetic music stops there is an introduction to Diegetic sound of waves accompanied by an establishing shot showing the beach location.
After the next cut the audience are introduced to the protagonist with a close up of him washed up onto the beach the protagonist hears the Diegetic sound of children laughing then looks up and notices the children using an eye line match; by the way the sound echoes and the circumstance he's currently in there's a very big chance this is just fragments of his imagination.
After a few cuts between the protagonist and the children we are introduced to a high angle shot from a guards perspective who pokes the protagonist before lifting his shirt to find a gun.  
Then cuts to a very low angle shot of the guard reacting to seeing the gun, this low angle shot shows that the guard has more power over the protagonist in this situation; judging by the gun and the clothes of the washed up protagonist we can assume it is set in the present day, the shot then pans and tilts upwards and to the right showing an establishing shot of a Chinese looking building.

scene two

There is now another establishing shot but inside the building where we can see the interior of the believed to be antagonist safe house. The camera slowly moves forward but keeps at an eye line match before a cut transitions to a medium shot directly behind the antagonist head where he is given the protagonist belongings by the guard. There is then a cut to a close up of the possessions including a gun and a unknown object, instantly this creates enigma for the viewers aren't sure what's happening but are intrigued in what could happen, also the fact that the antagonist face can't be seen creates mystery.  

1 comment:

  1. Very good Oscar - very high level 3. (B)
    Your screengrabs are not showing

    Speak to the technicians and sort this out please ASAP.
