Friday 11 March 2016

Risk Assessment 

I took several pictures of risks at our filming location (abandoned school building) before we went there which I am going to document and explain here.

In this first picture, the floor is covered in debris which can be tripped on. Also, in the centre of the picture there is a square of flooring which is covering a deep hole. We overcame this through avoiding the room since it seemed too dangerous to film in.
 In this room there were three or four different light casings across the ground, since these are made out of glass we faced the risk of them smashing into glass shards.
We moved these across to the right hand side of the corridor to avoid this, along with some paper that could be slipped up on. Since we made sure that it will be out of the way of the actors, this will be safe.
 In this picture we can see open plug sockets, the gap is significant enough to be potentially tripped up on. We were also worried about water getting into it and causing a problem.
Fortunately these situation were easily avoidable since all of the other sockets in the room were closed so we simply avoided this one to negate the tripping hazard.
In this room there were a series of light fittings hanging down from an open ceiling, we perceived this a very dangerous since they could potentially fall since they were quite heavy and only attached by one cable each.
To overcome this, we avoided the room completely since the risk was too high.
In this room there was a shrubbery growing into the room from the outside and  compromising an electronic unit. This was potentially dangerous due to the risk of electrocution.
We avoided this risk by staying far away from this corner in this room since it was very high risk.
Across the whole of the building there was debris similar to this, with chunks of rock, dirt, metal, and nails. We perceived this as high risk due to the potential of stepping on something that could damage your foot. There was also the risk of falling onto it and hurting yourself.
We avoided these risks by carefully moving the bulk of the debris out of the way. We also wore shoes to make sure that there was  no potential to hurt our feet on the debris.
 In this picture we can see that the floor has risen. This is due to the fact that water has got underneath of it and caused the material underneath to expand, forcing the floor upwards. This presented a tripping hazard. Since this was on the ground floor there was no chance that the floor would be weak there due to water, however we did consider that to be a possibility.
To overcome this we avoided this area and we were careful of the area when we were in this room.

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