Friday 15 April 2016

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Our target audiences are those attracted to dark thrillers and suspense once we established that we needed to think of techniques to further attract and address their needs.
Mise-en-scene was key to attracting the audience; we needed to thick about lighting, costume, props, colour and setting to really create that dark thriller effect; with lighting we decided to go with low key lighting, a good example of this was during the corridor scene when the antagonist is walking towards the protagonists location addressing the audience that they are in a dark place this also links with setting as we used an abandoned building to really show the darkness of where they are, with costume we really wanted to create the feeling of power from the antagonist and vulnerability from the protagonist, we gave the antagonist smart clothing and the protagonist dirty clothes so the audience can address straight away who has more control of the situation, this also attracts the audience making the ask questions like ‘who does the antagonist work for?’ and ‘what’s this homeless person done wrong?’

Camerawork was good for establishing power and creating enigma, during our opening we included many low angle shots on the protagonist to make him seem powerful and dangerous; we also tried to make the antagonist always center of the frame to address to the audience this antagonist is currently the most important person.

Our film is very stereotypical of thrillers, ‘rich company are corrupt and when a former employee steals classified folders threatening to reveal their secrets the organization send hit men to capture him or if need be kill him’ this straight away will capture hardcore thriller fans attention and attract them to the film.      

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