Monday 11 April 2016

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
We believe the institution to distribute our film would have to be an independent film distributor as they realistically are the only ones who would take a low budget film like ours. As a group we decided that the most likely candidates to submit our film and that we would most likely accept to would have to be companies like Metrodome, momentum and Optimum Releasing.
As a group we agreed that film festivals should be the main distributing point for a small film like ours. We will submit our film to all the independent film festivals we can so our film gets noticed and is more likely to actually be played. We could submit our film to larger festivals like The Edinburgh International Film Festival, Cambridge Film Festivals etc, but it is unlikely they will actually accept or even play our film at the festival as we have created a zero budget film.
Film festivals have been popular for years and are proven to really benefit small independent films.
Once we have shown our film in the festival we will distribute it through DVD. We need to make sure our film is appealing and in order to do this we will need to construct things such as, stills, trailers, a website etc. The stills will almost be used as a poster to publicise the movie, we will need a variety of different stills for different distribution purposes.

By Oscar Martin

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