Friday 15 April 2016

Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

For a first attempt at fast paced editing I was honestly happy with my prelim task but that doesn’t mean it was perfect; we mad some silly mistakes and didn’t include certain things that could relay improve the clip.
To begin with we didn’t stick to the 180 degree rule at the shot reverse shot sequence at the end of the prelim task; I believe this was because we was too busy on focusing about the pace of the film that we didn’t pay attention to an important if not most important part of making a film the 180 degree rule; we learnt from this and in our final product we have stuck to the 180 degree rule.
Another mistake was lighting; we didn’t include any forms of lighting in our preliminary task we strongly relied on the white balance on the camera and the natural lighting which made the clip seem a little dull and boring, we still used natural lighting in our final product but it was backed up by a reflector and finding a good location where the light hits perfectly on the character, these are all things that we didn’t consider in the preliminary task.
A further mistake was the use of Foley, the Foley to the clip was simply non existent, although you don’t need to include all Foley when doing a chase scene a bit of foley doted around during the short sequence would of made the preliminary task seem more grasping, this is something we have tried to alter and use in our final product and we believe we used it to good effect.

The filming location and costume would of been changed but as it was only allowed to be filmed on college grounds and it was during college I don’t think this is something really scrutinised during the prelim but for my final product I thoroughly thought about costume and setting and have used exactly the right outfits I wanted.  

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