Monday 11 April 2016

Question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?
We agreed that the primary target audience we are aiming for in our media product would be young adult males between the ages of 15 and 24. This demographic was decided because that’s around the same age as us who made the film and acted in it (we are all 18) and we believe an older age group wouldn’t take us seriously whereas young adults between that age group may relate to the characters who are also around that age and watch our movie. Our film is a Thriller with action and tension from the offset, which instantly rules out children so we concluded on making sure the age range, was above 14/15 years old.

As a group we researched which gender would prefer thriller films, through this research it appears that males are usually more interested in thriller films, this is perhaps because of the action and tension, Our research also told us that females like thriller films as they prefer the psychological side of the film, the enigma is what draws them in, because of this we wanted to create a female lead character but due to casting problems we had to scrap that and go for a male making the movie look bias towards males although that’s not the case.

Our film is set in England; this means a main target audience would be people of a British descent. This is because the setting will be familiar and that’s something that straight away appeals to British people as it’s a fact people who live in or near the same area a film is set in will want to watch that film even if its just to see if they recognise any of the locations; this doesn’t mean that we only want to attract those of a British descent but it allows us to concentrate our efforts a lot on them this may includes certain props that are exclusive in England etc.
Our movie isn’t restricted by one social class type it appeals to all, it has one character who comes from nothing homeless and on the run (protagonist) and another being payed a lot of money to hunt the protagonist, wearing posh clothes and comes from wealth (antagonist); we’ve included this for storyline reasons and that exact reason that we don’t get pigeon holed into one social class category, now both social class types can relate to the film allowing more potential capital.

By Oscar Martin

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